Now to team stuff. Many of you in the Sugar Land area have expressed the desire to have a team to practice with, so I am planning on starting full training around September and we should have our weekly long runs on Saturdays. Maybe we will have a small group on Sundays since both, Carlos and I, want to run in January and we need to switch our running days because of the kids. I'll have a poll and we will see what the team needs. My goal is to have water/gatorade available in the practices. I also want to sponsor the team with a variety of energy options so we can try what works for each one of us. We also need a team jersey for race day. For all these, we need sponsors for our team, these sponsors will be honored by displaying their logos or URLs on the back of the jerseys. And talking about sponsors, I want to thank our first sponsor Steven Kinne from RE/MAX on the Brazos! Hooray for Steve, he is the man when you need a real estate hero in the Houston area! Other things that are cooking already for the team are: running schedule, t-shirt sale, a talk by a chiropractor about stretching, injuries and such, team parties and much more!
Now, we need to talk about raising funds for SMA research. I already contacted a person from the marathon and we are going to have one website for the whole team to pay directly to MDA as one of the charities sponsored by the Chevron/Aramco Marathon. This website will be under the team name beatSMA. My idea is to have group and individual events to raise money. Nothing will be mandatory. One of them could be selling t-shirts promoting the cause. This shirts could also be used by our family and friends the day of the race! Other ideas are: mega garage sale, lemonade & cookie stand, emails and letters, fund raising parties (Southern Living, Pampered Chef, etc.), mowing lawns, and anything that you can think of! We will just go with the flow... if three persons want to do a garage sale, they can organize it and ask for donations from the team and friends. That doesn't mean that all the team has to participate in the actual garage sale. Remember, this is fun with a purpose not headache with a purpose!
Well, I think this is a general overview of my vision and goals. I feel great about this team and hope you will decide to join right now! I can picture myself at 5am the day of the race with my team jersey on and feeling some butterflies in my tummy, knowing that Alejandro will be waiting at the finish line. Yeah baby... makes me want to run right now!!! BeatSMA for Alejandro!!!
High priority:
- Join the blog
- Ask people to sponsor the team -let me know if you need info about Alejandro, SMA, MDA and such to explain to possible sponsors why it is important to support our cause. My next blog will be about SMA and Alejandro.
- Bug more people to sponsor the team!
- Find custom shirt companies
- Get people to join the team
- Remember, registration starts Friday, July 17th
Te felicito por este esfuerzo maravilloso y por educar a todos en este tema. Que Dios bendiga a tu chico hoy y siempre, y que te permita ver a Alejandro siempre sano, saludable, y caminando algún día. Déjame saber como te puedo ayudar desde aca (sponsors?)